Collection Booklet
AGT Foods Products

Red clover grass is a perennial forage legume. It establishes and produces quickly but its poor persistence limits the lifespan to 2-3 years. It has a prostrate, stoloniferous growth habit. It is very palatable, nutritious and highly digestible.
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Red clover grass is a perennial forage legume. It establishes and produces quickly but its poor persistence limits the lifespan to 2-3 years. It has a prostrate, stoloniferous growth habit. It is very palatable, nutritious and highly digestible.
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Millet flour is light in texture & has a slightly sweet & nutty taste. Millet resembles wheat, both in appearance & texture, but is entirely gluten free. This makes it popular with people who are avoiding gluten for medical & other reasons.
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Millet Flour – Gluten Free
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Oats, is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name. Oats are grains from the cereal plant, Avena Sativa, and once harvested are processed for use in animal feed, skin products or food.
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老王 2.2.7
Oats, is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name. Oats are grains from the cereal plant, Avena Sativa, and once harvested are processed for use in animal feed, skin products or food.
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Marjoram will add delicately sweet undertone not unlike, but not as intense as oregano to your Italian and Greek masterpieces. It’s perfect for salads and salad dressings, pizza and all tomato based sauces.
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Marjoram Ground
Marjoram will add delicately sweet undertone not unlike, but not as intense as oregano to your Italian and Greek masterpieces. It’s perfect for salads and salad dressings, pizza and all tomato based sauces.
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Lucerne – Cover Crops
Lucerne is a perennial legume used as a forage crop. The leafy nature ensures a palatable, nutrient rich food source, which is why it is often referred to as “the queen of forage crops”.
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Lucerne is a perennial legume used as a forage crop. The leafy nature ensures a palatable, nutrient rich food source, which is why it is often referred to as “the queen of forage crops”.
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Bahia grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop. This creeping grass grows with rhizome-like stolons enabling stands to fill open areas and make dense, tough sods even on sandy soils.
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Bahia Grass Seed
Bahia grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop. This creeping grass grows with rhizome-like stolons enabling stands to fill open areas and make dense, tough sods even on sandy soils.
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Bean Seed
股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王-爱卡汽车网论坛:2021-5-27 · 爱卡汽车论坛网为大家提供股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王,让您对股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王相关信息更加了解,更多精彩内容请关注爱卡汽车网论坛论坛。
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Bean Seed
A bean is a seed of one of several general of the flowering plant family Fabaceae, which are used for human consumption or animal food. In general, beans are warm-season annuals.
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Blue Buffalo grass Seed
Blue Buffalo grass is a summer growing perennial pasture grass. The plants are tufted and can have short rhizomes. This grass is very drought tolerant.
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0老王 2.2.7
Blue Buffalo grass is a summer growing perennial pasture grass. The plants are tufted and can have short rhizomes. This grass is very drought tolerant.
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Cowpea Seeds
There are basically three different types of cowpea seeds; forage, grain and dual-purpose cowpea types. It can be a prostrate, semi-erect or erect herbaceous annual summer legume with a well-developed taproot system.
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Cowpea Seeds
There are basically three different types of cowpea seeds; forage, grain and dual-purpose cowpea types. It can be a prostrate, semi-erect or erect herbaceous annual summer legume with a well-developed taproot system.

Cynodon Dactylon (Couch Grass) Seeds
Couch / Bermuda grass is a strong perennial grass which has both stolons and rhizomes. Couch grass can be used as a cover crop in orchards and used for erosion control purposes.
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Cynodon Dactylon (Couch Grass) Seeds
Couch / Bermuda grass is a strong perennial grass which has both stolons and rhizomes. Couch grass can be used as a cover crop in orchards and used for erosion control purposes.
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Bahia grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop.This creeping grass grows with rhizome-like stolons enabling stands to fill open areas and make dense, tough sods even on drought-prone sandy soils.
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Bahia grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop.This creeping grass grows with rhizome-like stolons enabling stands to fill open areas and make dense, tough sods even on drought-prone sandy soils.
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【小明v老王】大忠若奸_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili:2021-7-9 · 【小明&老王 】此物天下绝响 此物天下绝响 1362.8万播放 · 19.3万弹幕 03:50 【康熙说唱王朝】部落到帝国·怒斥群臣 非桥段 1314.5万播放 · 13.2万弹幕 ...
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Cocksfoot grass is a tufted, perennial grass that is best adapted to cool-season production. Due to the abundance of leaves produced, it does not lose much quality in winter or when it becomes reproductive.
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Cocksfoot grass is a tufted, perennial grass that is best adapted to cool-season production. Due to the abundance of leaves produced, it does not lose much quality in winter or when it becomes reproductive.
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Dolichos Beans
Dolichos beans is a prostrate, twining, herbaceous annual/ biennial crop. It is a summer legume crop with a well-developed taproot system. It is a dual purpose crop; pulse grains (human food) or forage (animal food) utilised by grazing it or in a cut-and-carry system.
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Dolichos Beans
Dolichos beans is a prostrate, twining, herbaceous annual/ biennial crop. It is a summer legume crop with a well-developed taproot system. It is a dual purpose crop; pulse grains (human food) or forage (animal food) utilised by grazing it or in a cut-and-carry system.
0老王 2.2.7

股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王-爱卡汽车网论坛:2021-5-27 · 爱卡汽车论坛网为大家提供股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王,让您对股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王相关信息更加了解,更多精彩内容请关注爱卡汽车网论坛论坛。
Eragrostis Teff grass is an annual hay grass. On occasions it is used for grazing as well. It is very leafy and has fine stems. This makes it an excellent grass for hay production. Eragrostis Teff grass is quick to establish, and can be ready for hay making within 65 – 75 days.
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Eragrostis Teff grass is an annual hay grass. On occasions it is used for grazing as well. It is very leafy and has fine stems. This makes it an excellent grass for hay production. Eragrostis Teff grass is quick to establish, and can be ready for hay making within 65 – 75 days.
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Seed Treatments
Cover Crops

Annual Ryegrass
Ryegrass is an annual temperate grass or cereal crop, grown as either a forage- or grain crop. It is categorised as a forage cereal together with Oats and Triticale. Forage cereals produce forage for autumn, winter and spring.
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Annual Ryegrass
Ryegrass is an annual temperate grass or cereal crop, grown as either a forage- or grain crop. It is categorised as a forage cereal together with Oats and Triticale. Forage cereals produce forage for autumn, winter and spring.
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Arrowleaf clover is an annual legume used for both grazing and fodder conservation (hay or silage). It exhibits good cold tolerance and germinates well at low temperatures. It is well suited to loam and sandy soils with acidic pH, where its deep tap root can penetrate up to 1.5m into the ground thus sourcing moisture from lower in the soil profile.
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Arrowleaf Clover
Arrowleaf clover is an annual legume used for both grazing and fodder conservation (hay or silage). It exhibits good cold tolerance and germinates well at low temperatures. It is well suited to loam and sandy soils with acidic pH, where its deep tap root can penetrate up to 1.5m into the ground thus sourcing moisture from lower in the soil profile.
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Babala is a fast growing annual summer forage crop. The erect and robust grass has an extensive root system aiding with the adaptation to wide variety of growing conditions.
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Babala is a fast growing annual summer forage crop. The erect and robust grass has an extensive root system aiding with the adaptation to wide variety of growing conditions.
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Bahia grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop. This creeping grass grows with rhizome-like stolons enabling stands to fill open areas…
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Bahia Grass – Cover Crops
Bahia grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop. This creeping grass grows with rhizome-like stolons enabling stands to fill open areas…
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Blue Buffalo Grass – Cover Crops
Blue Buffalo grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop. The plants are tufted and can have short rhizomes.
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Blue Buffalo Grass – Cover Crops
Blue Buffalo grass is a summer growing perennial forage crop. The plants are tufted and can have short rhizomes.
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Land Rehabilitation

A blend of annual species selected for their ability to produce biomass in most conditions, even unfavourable ones. The Biomass produced can be incorporated into the soil to build a significant organic component.
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A blend of annual species selected for their ability to produce biomass in most conditions, even unfavourable ones. The Biomass produced can be incorporated into the soil to build a significant organic component.

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Faba Bean Protein
猎头老王V_新浪博客:2021-6-18 · 猎头老王V_新浪博客,猎头老王V,毕业10年,阻碍你职业发展的最大“拦路虎”到底是什么?, 毕业5年没有猎头联系你,这3点原因讲透了!,这就是伋业 ...
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Faba Bean Protein
Faba Bean Protein is a premium, non-dairy, pulse protein that is derived from 100% pure faba beans. Faba Bean Protein is versatile and can be used as an added ingredient in everything from protein shakes to health-based recipes.
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Lentil Protein
Lentil Powder is a unique high-protein food product containing many nutritional qualities. This incredible protein-packed powder has the capability to positively impact both on individual’s nutrition and the world’s food supply.
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Lentil Protein
隔壁老王影视在线播放最新网址 - Sogou:2021-6-15 · 隔壁老王影视在线播放高清在线播放资源,今日更新331部,伦理自拍在线观看,警告:本站提供全网影视资源,来自网络不对内容版权负责,如发现侵权内容请联系删除。
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Pea protein is actually one of the best plant-based forms of protein that you can eat. It is on par with the best of animal-derived powders and when flavoured and sweetened well, has a uniquely pleasant taste.
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Pea Protein
Pea protein is actually one of the best plant-based forms of protein that you can eat. It is on par with the best of animal-derived powders and when flavoured and sweetened well, has a uniquely pleasant taste.
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Amaranth – Gluten free
如何评价王老菊制作独立游戏? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-4-16 · 而且,如果要有一个人要做这件事的话,有一个大V要公开带头做独立游戏,我会希望那个人是王老菊。从他微博来看,他也确实是认真在做这件事。这件事本身,用浪漫一点的说法,真的太有梦想。“太阳骑士,莽就完事了。” 但佩服之余,不得不回到现实。
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Amaranth – Gluten free
Amaranth was a staple food for the Aztecs. It has a nutty flavor and its yield is similar to that of rice or maize. Amaranth is nutritious and tastes between whole wheat or wheat berries. Amaranth is high in fibre, low in fat & is gluten free. When cooked they look like a somewhat sheen, almost like caviar.
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Bulgur Wheat
免费: 老王v pn下载 下载-windows: 老王v pn下载:2021-6-9 · 免费: 老王v pn下载 下载软件在 UpdateStar: - It can protect your confidential information, defend your data privacy and secure your WIFI. Besides, it allows you to bypass geographic restrictions and access to the restricted websites and other content
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Bulgur wheat is made from durum wheat & is a cooking form of whole wheat that has been cleaned, parboiled, dried & ground into particles. The wheat is found in recipes similar to rice & couscous & is best known as the main ingredient in tabouli salad.
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Couscous is made from durum wheat flour. It is quick & simple to prepare. Just add boiling water & let it sit for 5 minutes, making it an almost instant low fat side dish. You can add exotic spices or sauces, or serve it plain. Place it as a salad base or as an accompaniment to meat & vegetables
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Couscous is made from durum wheat flour. It is quick & simple to prepare. Just add boiling water & let it sit for 5 minutes, making it an almost instant low fat side dish. You can add exotic spices or sauces, or serve it plain. Place it as a salad base or as an accompaniment to meat & vegetables
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Crushed Rye
Crushed rye is a coarse, whole grain rye product. The rye kernel is finely crushed between rollers provides a very rough character to the bread. Rye is a rich; versatile source of protein and dietary fibre, especially a type of fibre called arabinoxylan, that is known for its high anti-oxidant activity.
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0老王v p n安卓版
Crushed rye is a coarse, whole grain rye product. The rye kernel is finely crushed between rollers provides a very rough character to the bread. Rye is a rich; versatile source of protein and dietary fibre, especially a type of fibre called arabinoxylan, that is known for its high anti-oxidant activity.
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Crushed Wheat
Crushed wheat is made from the whole raw wheat kernels which are crushed or cut into 老王app苹果下载网址 pieces. This wheat is made from the whole-wheat berries and隔壁王老湿的直播间_足球直播_乐虎直播:2021-3-1 · 英超 热刺vs狼队
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Crushed Wheat
Crushed wheat is made from the whole raw wheat kernels which are crushed or cut into smaller pieces. This wheat is made from the whole-wheat berries and contains a great deal of nutrition & fibre.
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- 老王v2.2.6
Butterfly Popcorn
Butterfly popcorn is the common popcorn variety found in pre-packs in supermarkets. It’s used in the manufacture of microwave popcorn, savoury ready-to-eat popcorn and movie theatre popcorn.
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Butterfly popcorn is the common popcorn variety found in pre-packs in supermarkets. It’s used in the manufacture of microwave popcorn, savoury ready-to-eat popcorn and movie theatre popcorn.
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老王(杨绛创作的散文) - 搜狗百科:2021-11-14 · 《老王》是当伋文学家杨绛于1984年创作的一篇回忆性散文。文章伍“我”与老王的交往为线索,回忆了老王的几个生活片段,刻画了一个穷苦卑微但心地善良、老实厚道的“老王”形象,表达了作者一家对老王那样不幸者的关心、同情和尊重。
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Mushroom popcorn is round in shape and once popped, it has a much larger surface area and “fluffier” texture than butterfly popcorn.
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- 老王灯笼APP
Black beans are oval beans with a black skin, cream-coloured flesh and a sweet flavour. The black bean has a dense, meaty texture, which makes it popular in vegetarian dishes and is also popular as a soup ingredient.
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Black Beans
Black beans are oval beans with a black skin, cream-coloured flesh and a sweet flavour. The black bean has a dense, meaty texture, which makes it popular in vegetarian dishes and is also popular as a soup ingredient.
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Black Eyed Beans
Black Eyed beans are small, creamy textured beans with a black ‘scar’ where they were joined at the pod. Despite differences in colour and taste all legumes have a similar nutritional value.
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感动亚运:王治郅老兵不老 黄蕴瑶骨裂摘银_网易亚运频道:2021-11-27 · 网易亚洲英雄黄蕴瑶:摔倒之后拿银牌 我没想到影响这么大 专访-黄蕴瑶 沈金康 王治郅惠州传递亚运火炬 引发欢呼 中国男篮险翻船 大郅三分救驾成定海神针
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Chana Dal
A traditional staple of the Far East, Chana Dal is increasingly becoming a popular dish in the West because of its high protein and fibre content and incredibly low glycaemic index rating, making it an excellent part of a healthy diet.
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Chana Dal
A traditional staple of the Far East, Chana Dal is increasingly becoming a popular dish in the West because of its high protein and fibre content and incredibly low glycaemic index rating, making it an excellent part of a healthy diet.
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Dark Red Kidney beans are true to their name. These popular beans are kidney shaped and are especially good in simmered dishes where they absorb the flavours of seasonings and the other foods with which they are cooked.
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Dark Red Kidney beans are true to their name. These popular beans are kidney shaped and are especially good in simmered dishes where they absorb the flavours of seasonings and the other foods with which they are cooked.
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Desi Chickpea
‘Desi’ chickpea is lighter-coloured, smaller, and with a smoother coat. These chickpeas can be cooked and eaten cold in salads, cooked in stews, ground into flour, ground and shaped in balls and fried as falafel.
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Desi Chickpea
迷你世界《参观方块老王的身体》这是我见过最惨的老王,牙 ...:2021-2-8 · 迷你世界《参观方块老王的身体》这是我见过最惨的老王,牙都没了,本视频由入梦txf原创提供,163483次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
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Bakery Seeds

Aniseed is a common sweet snack in India, and many people in India set about chewing aniseed all day. It freshens one’s breath and promotes a sense of digestive well-being. Aniseed has a flavour that resembles liquorice or fennel, though these plants are unrelated.
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Aniseed is a common sweet snack in India, and many people in India set about chewing aniseed all day. It freshens one’s breath and promotes a sense of digestive well-being. Aniseed has a flavour that resembles liquorice or fennel, though these plants are unrelated.
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Caraway Seed
Caraway seeds have a warm, sweet, and slightly peppery aroma when squeezed between index and thumb fingers. It’s seeds are used extensively in European and Mediterranean cooking. Caraway seeds are a rich source of dietary fibre.
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Caraway Seed
Caraway seeds have a warm, sweet, and slightly peppery aroma when squeezed between index and thumb fingers. It’s seeds are used extensively in European and Mediterranean cooking. Caraway seeds are a rich source of dietary fibre.

Golden Flax Seed/Linseed
Golden flax seeds/Linseeds has a warm, earthy and subtly nutty flavour of flaxseeds combined with an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. Their high fibre content makes them an increasingly popular addition to the diets of many a health conscious consumer.
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Golden Flax Seed/Linseed
Golden flax seeds/Linseeds has a warm, earthy and subtly nutty flavour of flaxseeds combined with an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. Their high fibre content makes them an increasingly popular addition to the diets of many a health conscious consumer.
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Poppy Seed
老王v p n安卓版 are an oil seed that can be used whole or ground as an ingredient in a variety of food dishes. They are extremely nutritious and less allergenic than many other seeds and nuts.
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Poppy seeds are an oil seed that can be used whole or ground as an ingredient in a variety of food dishes. They are extremely nutritious and less allergenic than many other seeds and nuts.
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Pumpkin seeds are subtly sweet and nutty with a malleable chewy texture. Roasted pumpkin seeds are one of the most nutritious and flavourful seeds available today. They are also known as pepitas, are flat, dark green seeds.
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Pumpkin seeds are subtly sweet and nutty with a malleable chewy texture. Roasted pumpkin seeds are one of the most nutritious and flavourful seeds available today. They are also known as pepitas, are flat, dark green seeds.
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Basil Ground
Basil is the perfect complement for any tomato-based sauces and is much-loved by pizza, especially when blended with oregano. It marries very well with other seasonings especially lemon, thyme and garlic.
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Basil Ground
老王vpn是否为蜜罐?:2021-3-22 · 华春莹和赵立坚都已经成了认定的v了,要抓也应该抓它伊啊 品葱用户 愤怒的可达鸭 评论于 2021-05-22 h还是感谢老王,作为一个免费vpn,能让我伊了解外面的世界,不管是不是蜜罐,支持一下老王 品葱用户 慈父斯大林 评论于 2021-05-22 之前有用过,但多次

Basil Whole
Natural organic Basil leaves or Whole Basil is the cornerstone of any Italian cuisine, but it is often used in Thai and Chinese cooking as well. It has a strong distinctive flavour with a sweet undertone.
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Basil Whole
Natural organic Basil leaves or Whole Basil is the cornerstone of any Italian cuisine, but it is often used in Thai and Chinese cooking as well. It has a strong distinctive flavour with a sweet undertone.

- 老王 2.2.7
Bay Leaves
Bay Leaves are rarely used fresh, as dried bay leaves have a more pleasant, sweeter flavour than fresh and the flavour becomes more intense the longer it cooks.
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Bay Leaves are rarely used fresh, as dried bay leaves have a more pleasant, sweeter flavour than fresh and the flavour becomes more intense the longer it cooks.
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Black Pepper
Our Black Peppercorns are sourced from India, Indonesia & Vietnam (depending on time of year) and are picked when the berry hasn’t fully ripened.
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Our Black Peppercorns are sourced from India, Indonesia & Vietnam (depending on time of year) and are picked when the berry hasn’t fully ripened.
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Cayenne Pepper
While the term “Cayenne” is often times used to refer to any ground pepper, it is actually a unique type of chilli pepper that is between four & twelve inches long, thin & has a pungent taste.
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Cayenne Pepper
迷你世界《参观方块老王的身体》这是我见过最惨的老王,牙 ...:2021-2-8 · 迷你世界《参观方块老王的身体》这是我见过最惨的老王,牙都没了,本视频由入梦txf原创提供,163483次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
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AGT Foods Africa Hospitality
AGT Foods is a leading supplier of herbs and spices to the catering, manufacturing and hospitality industries. The company sources the best raw spices in their purest form from around the world and has its own onsite milling and blending plant. AGT spices are clean and contain no MSG. In addition to custom blending and packaging spices to exact customer requirements, AGT constantly develops novel blends to spice up recipes for the entire food range. Among its most popular spices are Cayenne pepper, Chilli, Cassia, Coriander, Garlic, Ginger, Onion and Paprika.
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AGT Foods Africa Hospitality
老王的“神榆湖”_新浪吉林_新浪网:2021-6-15 · 老王的“神榆湖”,清晨五点,位于科尔沁沙地的吉林省白城市通榆县向海蒙古族乡创业村,五六辆货车停在“神榆湖”边,王尚江正忙着为前来买鱼 ...
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Coconut Fine 200g
The white, fleshy part of the seed, the coconut meat, is used fresh or dried in cooking, especially in confections and desserts such as macaroons.
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Coconut Fine 200g
The white, fleshy part of the seed, the coconut meat, is used fresh or dried in cooking, especially in confections and desserts such as macaroons.
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Coconut Medium 200g
《老王诊所》完整版:(全文在线阅读)-中经在线网:2021-8-30 · 老王 越看越有有感觉,看着电影里面的女优小舌头的灵活缠绕吮吸,老王的心都澎湃了,恨不得立马关门去找个女人试一下。 “医生 ?” 林婉如见老王没答话,又叫了一声,头也鬼使神差的朝前伸了一下,想看看这医生在看什么。 老王没想到 ...
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Coconut Medium 200g
The white, fleshy part of the seed, the coconut meat, is used fresh or dried in cooking, especially in confections and desserts such as macaroons.
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Green Split Peas 500g
A pea is a most commonly green, occasionally golden yellow, or infrequently purple pod-shaped vegetable, widely grown as a cool season vegetable crop.
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Green Split Peas 500g
A pea is a most commonly green, occasionally golden yellow, or infrequently purple pod-shaped vegetable, widely grown as a cool season vegetable crop.
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One of the older sugar bean varieties. A firm favourite with any serious bean connoisseur. These beans are a staple in soups, stews, bean salads and as a side next to the Sunday roast.
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Half White Beans 500g (Lappies Beans)
202160生于老王退于老王,主板上市即将画上终止符。唯有 ...:2021-6-1 · 东沣B退(202160)股吧,股民朋友可伍在这里畅所欲言,分析讨论股票名的最新动态。东沣B退股吧,专业的股票论坛社区。 202160生于老王退于老王,主板上市即将画上终止符。唯有希望老王知耻而 …
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Large White Kidney Beans 500g
Large White kidney beans – so named due to their convex shape that resembles the kidney — are among the best foods for helping you lose weight due to their high fibre content, which leaves you feeling full for longer and keeps food cravings at bay.
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Large White Kidney Beans 500g
Large White kidney beans – so named due to their convex shape that resembles the kidney — are among the best foods for helping you lose weight due to their high fibre content, which leaves you feeling full for longer and keeps food cravings at bay.
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老王v p n安卓版
AgriCOTE® Coated seed with added nutrition for improved seedling survival and protection against insects and fungi.
AgriCOTE® is an unique coating around the seed that aids the seed during establishment by providing added nutrition and protection against insects and damping-off. AgriCOTE® will provide better seed-to-soil contact needed for successful establishment.
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Since introducing long fallows I have seen a noticeable improvement in soil health and increased cane yields. I use my cover crops as grazing and food for my stud herd. The mixes I use promote diversity in the soil, as well as in the animals’ diets.”
老王的日志 - 网易博客:老王的日志,2021年12月03日,2021年12月03日,2021年07月31日,2021年03月01日,2021年01月18日,2021年12月23日,2021年06月20日,2021年04月16日,2021年03月18日,2021年01月23日,老王的网易博客,冷静等待中。。。。。。。。。。。,概念设计师 奋斗老王
Including pulses in your diet will protect you against a number of illnesses. It addresses global malnutrition, due to low cost and nutritional value.”
I find that long fallows allow me to produce quality-certified seed cane, which does not affect the profitability of the fields. Cover crops have reduced the soil compaction, making my soils more easily workable.”
AGT Foods Media Room

大老王女王_新浪博客:2021-12-22 · 大老王女王_新浪博客,大老王女王,2021BQ榜——精华篇,2021BQ榜——卸妆篇,2021超市夯货篇,PURID新品第三弹——沁柔舒润霜,换季肌肤闹别扭,都是谁的错?

What are pulses, you ask? Also known as legumes, they’re edible seeds of

With new sources of healthy foods on the rise every year, we have to

On 24 September South Africans around the country will celebrate Heritage Day. This national public holiday has one message, let’s celebrate our diversity as a nation and respect and embrace all our cultures.

On 24 September South Africans around the country will celebrate Heritage Day. This national public holiday has one message, let’s celebrate our diversity as a nation and respect and embrace all our cultures.